Emergency 9-1-1


2 North Main Street
Manville, NJ 08835

Emergency 9-1-1

manville police shield

2 North Main Street
Manville, NJ 08835

June Police Blotter

June 2, 2024 12:45 p.m.

Police conducted a motor vehicle stop for numerous traffic violations. It was determined the driver, Jesus Gonzalez (38) of Manville, NJ, had an outstanding warrant. He was subsequently placed under arrest and transported to Manville Police Headquarters where he was turned over to Middletown Police for processing.

June 4, 2024 1:54 p.m.

Patrol responded to a local business on the report of business checks being cashed by unknown individuals. It was reported that $76,020.64 in checks were written on fraudulent checks. Police are actively investigating the incident.

June 4, 2024  8:40p.m.

Police were dispatched to a local restaurant on the report of unknown individuals taking money out of a tip jar prior to leaving the establishment. Patrol spoke with an employee who reported that two females and a male took approximately $80 out of the tip jar on the counter prior to exiting the restaurant. Police are investigating the theft.

June 5, 2024

A female responded to the Manville Police Department to report a Domestic Violence Restraining Order violation. She stated her ex-husband came to her house which was prohibited by the Restraining Order. A warrant was generated for the male and he was placed in the national database for wanted persons.

June 5, 2024 4:04 p.m.

Police responded to a local residence on the report of vandalism to the reporting party’s car overnight. The resident advised that her vehicle was parked overnight and when she returned to it there were scratch marks on the entirety of the vehicle. Police are attempting to locate a suspect.

June 6, 2024 12:11p.m.

Police arrested a Manville resident for numerous burglaries that occurred in Manville in February of 2024. The male was later released with a pending court date.

June 6, 2024 11:24 p.m.

Police were dispatched to a local restaurant on the report of a fight. Upon arrival, both parties were separated. Neither party wished to cooperate with law enforcement on scene however, it was ascertained that they were mutual combatants in a physical altercation. Medical attention was given to one of the parties and the other party refused medical attention. Both parties were explained the complaint signing procedure and sent on their way.

June 8, 2024 5:27 p.m.

Patrol conducted a motor vehicle stop on a vehicle for numerous traffic violations. It was determined the driver, Michael Skorochocki (40) of Hillsborough, NJ, had two active warrants for his arrest. He was able to post bail for the warrants and was released on his own recognizance.

June 9, 2024 12:26 p.m.

Patrol conducted a motor vehicle stop for numerous traffic violations. It was determined the driver, Pamela Barrantes (24) of Bridgewater, NJ, had two active warrants for her arrest. She was able to post bail for the warrants and was released on her own recognizance.

June 11, 2024 3:14 p.m.

Patrol stopped a juvenile riding recklessly on a bicycle on a public roadway. He was given a warning for the appropriate violations that he committed, and he was sent on his way.

June 12, 2024

Patrol conducted a vehicle check after receiving notice that the occupant of the vehicle may have a warrant for his arrest. After ascertaining the male’s identity, the male was placed under arrest for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order violation from earlier in the month. He was processed and transported to Somerset County Jail.

June 13, 2024 12:58 p.m.

Police responded to a local restaurant on the report of a male stealing money from the tip jar. The employee advised they did not wish to pursue charges against the male but wished for police to advise him he is no longer allowed in the store. After reviewing surveillance footage, police determined the male’s identity, and gave him a verbal trespass notice for the incident.

June 13, 2024 4:36 p.m.

Police conducted a motor vehicle stop for numerous traffic violations. It was determined the driver, Scott Keller (38) of Somerset, NJ, had two active warrants for his arrest. He was processed and released on his own recognizance.

June 16, 2024 6:21 p.m.

Patrol responded to Walmart on the report of a shoplifting that occurred approximately an hour earlier. Upon arrival, police viewed security video footage of the incident and immediately recognized the suspect to be Yasin Morris (42) of Manville, NJ. Police located him and placed him under arrest. He was processed and released with a pending court date.

June 17, 2024

Police were dispatched to a local residence for a domestic dispute. Upon arrival it was determined the dispute was physical. Police arrested a 41-year-old male for Simple Assault. He was processed and transported to Somerset County Jail.

June 19, 2024 8:22 a.m.

Police spoke with a local resident who advised that her vehicle had been burglarized. The female reported that sometime overnight her laptop was taken out of her unlocked car. Police are actively investigating the incident.

June 21, 2024 3:55 a.m.

Patrol conducted a motor vehicle stop for numerous traffic violations. The driver, Mindy Sonnenberg (22) of Manville, NJ, was subsequently placed under arrest for driving under the influence. She was processed and released to a responsible party.

June 21, 2024 1:52 p.m.

Police arrested Edward Ianaccone (59) of Basking Ridge, NJ for an active Manville warrant. He was processed and released on his own recognizance with a future court date.

June 23, 2024 3:34 a.m.

Police conducted a motor vehicle stop for numerus traffic violations. The driver, Veronica Salazar (53) of Manville, NJ was subsequently placed under arrest for driving under the influence. She was processed and released to a responsible party.

June 26, 2024 1:49 p.m.

Police arrested David Caceres (24) of Raritan, NJ for an active Manville warrant. He was processed and released on his own recognizance with a future court date.

June 26, 2024 3:34 p.m.

Police arrested Sebastian Arevalo (44) of North Plainfield, NJ for an active Manville warrant. He was processed and released on his own recognizance with a future court date.

June 27, 2024 8:46 a.m.

Police responded to a local residence for a report of a motor vehicle burglary. Upon arrival, patrol spoke with the caller who advised that sometime overnight, an unknown individual broke into his car and took cash out of his cup holder. Police are investigating the incident.

June 27, 2024 7:15 p.m.

Police responded to Walmart on the report of two individuals that attempted to shoplift merchandise from the store. Patrol spoke with the store security who advised they witnessed the male and female try to leave the store after not scanning approximately $498.89 worth of merchandise. Both Aaron Santay-Quich (25) and Maria Ramos-Figueroa (36) of Bound Brook, NJ were placed under arrest, processed and released with a future court date.

June 27, 2024

Police responded to a local residence for a domestic dispute. It was determined that a 42-year-old male struck his ex-girlfriend and left the scene prior to patrol’s arrival. An arrest warrant was generated, and the male was placed into the national database for wanted persons.

June 28, 2024 9:12 a.m.

Police spoke with a male who advised that he was the victim of a robbery during the night at his apartment. He stated another male entered his apartment and forcibly took his cell phone and cash from him. Police reviewed security camera footage and were able to develop a possible suspect. The incident is being actively investigated.

June 29, 2024 1:44 a.m.

Police conducted a motor vehicle stop for numerous traffic violations. The driver, Jennifer Diomedi (23) of South Bound Brook, NJ was subsequently placed under arrest for driving under the influence. She was processed and released to a responsible party.