Emergency 9-1-1
2 North Main Street
Manville, NJ 08835
Emergency 9-1-1
2 North Main Street
Manville, NJ 08835
Emergency 9-1-1
2 North Main Street
Manville, NJ 08835
Emergency 9-1-1
2 North Main Street
Manville, NJ 08835
Manville Municipal Court is located at:
Manville Borough Municipal Court
379 S. Branch Rd.
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
Payments for traffic violations can be made online at www.njmcdirect.com
You can also mail a check of money order to the court or drop your payment off in the new Municipal Court drop box located in the Police vestibule in the rear of the Hillsborough Township Municipal Complex.
If you’d like to plead not guilty to certain offenses and would like to speak to the Prosecutor, log on to njmcdirect.com and click “Dispute this Case” to proceed.
In order to request court records, you will need to submit a completed Records Request form to the Court which states the information needed. The form is available at the NJCourts website at https://www.njcourts.gov/forms/10200_records_req.pdf?c=OGJ